I'm proud to Rock the Red

DC Sports Nexus ---- Thursday, May 3, 2012

I was walking home from my lil' meet up at Starbucks (aka math tutoring. Geometry's hard, ok?) and I was thinking "hmmm, what to write?" When it hit me. I'm proud of the Caps. Yeah, they lost. That really stinks like a carton of cream cheese left out on a hot summer day, but they really, in my eyes, proved they can do it. Last year was a false sense of security, they didn't have the same mentality or work ethic, so to say.

This year, something's different. Yeah, they've had a few bad games but they've been playing with intensity and a different mind set that's really propelled them this far. If you think about it, the Caps have, roughly, the same team as last year. They did stellar in the first round and then went in a downward spiral agaisnt Tampa. You aren't seeing that this year.

So what if they're down two games? The first game the Caps (as well as the rangers) were getting used to each other and the different playing styles, etc. Last nights game was a mix of exhaustion (they played 6 periods, for crying out loud!) and some confusion in the D. They lost. But, in my opinion, they played a great game and the score just didn't reflect it.

No matter what the score of Game 4 is or if the Caps win the series, I'll always rock the red. Let's put this early morning loss behind us and get ready for the game Saturday, Caps fans! LET'S GO CAPS!!!

A song for ye of little faith (Yes, this is an ABBA song. I really just went there);

Written by Camilla Alsobrook (@Camcoco10), Caps BBall's Teen Correspondent.  Camilla also writes for Puck Buddy's and Capital Connection.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hells yes! I was in Chicago for the game, and I kept seeing people in Capitals and of course screaming go caps from across the street, and of course they shouted go caps back. Caps fans are the best

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