The Canadiens visit China Town

DC Sports Nexus ---- Thursday, January 24, 2013

Tonight, the Caps take on the Habs for their third game of the season. After the last two doosies, it'll be interesting to see what The Kiebler elf, errm, Coach Oates has in store for the Caps lines and game plan tonight.

What we do know is that after Braden Holtby letting in a combined total of 10 goals over the ast two games, Mchal Neuvirth will be in the crease for Washington tonight. Personally, I think Neuvirth should've been in the for their home opener after Holtby's tepid preformance in Tampa. How do you guys feel about Neuvirth starting tonight?

Another thing to keep an eye on during the game tonight will be lines and who's paired with who. Lines are like a delicate souffle, put the wrong players together and it flops. And in he Caps case, the right lines are yet to be discovered. But for their sake, I hope Oates figures it out soon.

As far as predicting who's going to win tonight, while I'm no fortune teller, the Habs do have a signifigantly better record over all being 1-1 with a combine total of 3 goals let in over the last two games against the Panthers and Leafs. So, while I hate to say it, the Habs seem to have the upper hand in tonights duel. But I'm cautiously optimistic the Caps can pull themselves together and turn their doosey of a record around.

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