A Movember To Remember

DC Sports Nexus ---- Monday, November 7, 2011

If you don't know, Movember is when people grow mustaches in the month of November and try to raise money for Men's Health issues like Prostate cancer. This is a big thing in hockey and many NHL players are involved with the fundraising process.

I didn't post this on the first of the month because I wanted to grow a real mustache and show everyone. However after 7 days I realize that my dream of growing a mustache isn't really working out. There is something under my nose, but I don't really know what you would call it. Maybe I'll post a pic at the end of the month...

You can donate to the real Washington Capitals team who have raised over $3,000. OR...You can donate to the Caps Basketball team who have raised over $19. OR...just donate any amount to any team!

All the details can be found at the Movember web site!

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