Some Pre Game 7 Thoughts & Puke Monsters

DC Sports Nexus ---- Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So this is my first season as a Caps fan and I was expecting the team to be the top team in the NHL this season.  Things didn't really work out that way and the team barely made the playoffs.  However, being a Wizards/Nats/Redskins fan, I really could care less what seed a DC team is.  I just want one in the playoffs.

So far I have had 6 awesome "bonus" nights after 82 nights of watching hockey.  That is 6 nights of fun generated by a 7th seed team.  I got to attend a game where the Verizon Center was filled.  I haven't been in a situation like that since the Wizards were in the playoffs like 7 years ago.  I even got to go to a Russian Machine Party.  For me, this experience has already been great.

While great is nice, greatER is better.  If the Caps can pull out a game 7 win they will give me a minimum of 4 more awesome "bonus" nights!

I'm very happy and very satisfied at this point, but I know most Caps fans are not.  They have been watching the Caps dominate (at least in the regular season) for years now and they want more than a fun 7 game series.

So starting last night the butterflies started to set in.  Like I said, I'm happy but I'd like to be happier.  Fans on Twitter were having trouble sleeping, I can't imagine how much the players were tossing and turning in their hotel beds.  I'm starting to feel like I have to puke and its hours before game time.

I haven't had this feeling in YEARS being a DC Sports fan...I don't know if I can take it, but I wouldn't want it any other way...

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