Alex Ovechkin, Coke Commercials, The Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, and Russia

DC Sports Nexus ---- Thursday, March 7, 2013

Alex Ovechkin tweeted the following, and you were like WTF!

What about Coke?  Is Ovi working for them now!  Good!  I love Coke!  I did some detective work using my favorite tool, Google Translate, which always gives me some fun stuff:

"Future torchbearers, pull submissions to Coke, ending registration within 10 days. It is too late!...The second such opportunity you will not! And join!"

Good work Google!  Ovi will at some point carry the torch and says he will play in the Olympics for Russia even if the NHL won't let him or something.  He also did this Russian Coke Commercial. A-Ha!  (via CSN)

Now we are figuring things out.  I clicked on the Coke link to find out more.  Learning!

I made this, not Coke, as told by the quality

In 2014 the Winter Olympics will be held in Sochi Russia.  Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself.  The Winter Olympics is a thing where you shoot rifles while skiing or something.

Remember This Game

So Coke is doing some kind of competition or looking for volunteers or something while the carry the Olympic Torch around Russia.  You can go to the site and vote for your favorite person, all named Alexander.  And Russian Coke spokesman Alex Ovechkin will love you if you vote...

And read the Comcast article from January to actually learn more

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