Ovechkin Impresses Then Disappoints In SO Loss

DC Sports Nexus ---- Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Caps played hockey the same way I play my girlfriend.  She comes in all excited.  She is ready for a lot of quality minutes from me.  I have passion in my eyes.  I'm ready to go, and go long.  I'm all amped up, she's all amped up.  And 26 seconds into it I score then roll over and go to sleep for an hour...Disappointing...and sad...

Alex Ovechkin scored his 6th goal in 5 games only 26 seconds into the game to give the Caps a quick lead but the rest of the game the Caps played back, and didn't really attack.  When the Caps did have good offensive looks they missed the net or hit the post and they just couldn't put in that 2nd goal that they needed.

Holtby saved 27 out of 28 but it wasn't enough as Humangus Bridezilla was just as good saving 30 out of 31.  Marjo missed a penalty shot where the Flyers goalie just stuck his stick out and tripped him, but there was no call.

The Caps ended up losing in the shootout, but gained an important 1 point to finish out the road trip with 5 out of 10.

One of the things I noticed was the difference between Hartnell and Ovechkin.  Hartnell I can tell does not have the natural skill and talent that Ovi has, but he plays hard.  Ovechkin on the other hand scores many of his goals with talent, but he takes off certain plays and doesn't always have the killer instinct.

In the OT period Hartnell seemed to refuse to come off the ice.  He was going to fight as hard as he could to score.  He didn't care he was supposed to line change, he knew it was OT and he had to be on the ice.  On the Caps end of the ice, Ovechkin decided to just dump the puck in with 13 seconds left and head for the bench instead of going hard for that time to try to get the game winner.  Hartnell has more goals than Ovi, but is less talented.  That OT period showed me the reason why.

Big game tomorrow night at the V-Center...Jets...7pm...Beefalo on our tail...

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